Through this new experience of being a mommy of three, I've quickly discovered that I'm much better at multi-tasking than I ever thought I could be -and -my husband sucks at it! (Sorry, honey, I love you!) The first time I recall this "enlightenment" was during a phone conversation with the billing department from my power company about five months ago.

It was December, I had recently broken my left arm and my son was three months old. Could it get any worse? Well... if you add any poor husband into the mix, then can.
Now, as a quick side note, I LOVE my husband. He's an extremely intellegent guy (He flies commercial airplanes for pete's sake) but when it comes to maternal (or paternal in his case) instincts, we might as well throw in the towel.
There I was in the kitchen, broken left arm, baby in other, cordless phone attached to one ear and the lady asks me for my check card number. I had planned this all out except there was one tiny kink. My purse was not where it had been last! UGGHH.
I calmly ask the lady if I could place her on a brief hold while I locate my purse. She professionally replied that it would be her pleasure. Enter a brief moment of relief.
Then my son decides he's hungry. Enter slight panic.
I quickly locate my husband lying across our bed leisurely enjoying his computer time and ask if he would A.) give me his check card and B.) take care our crying, hungry son until I finished the phone conversation.
His response?
"Why, of course, honey. I'd love to help you out, afterall, I can see that you have your hands full."
Instead, he says in a very agitated tone, "How am I suppose to hold him and fix his bottle at the same time?"
I never knew that I had a vein in the side of my forehead, but on that day, I discovered it as I tried everything in my power to hold back how I really felt. If it had not been for the uncontrollable laughter from the billing department lady on the other end of the line who had practically been thrown in the middle of our little spat, I would of lost it.
When the lady finally caught her breath, she apologized for the outburst in laughter, but then added "Just like a man. He has no clue what all you can do at one time, eh? He may not, but I had five children in seven years, so I'm with you."
Then we quickly moved on to finish and process the transaction. As I hung up the phone that day, I suddenly didn't feel so alone anymore or that I had it that bad.
FIVE children in SEVEN years?
As I joined my clueless husband in the kitchen, screaming baby and all, I thought to myself: bones will heal and babies will quickly grow but what I had noticed about the lady in the billing department was that she had laughed because she missed the chaos. So I just embraced the moment and moved on.
Please share more! I didn't realize you had a blog other than the "walk" one! Your stories always make me laugh! I am right there with ya! Watch "Jon & Kate Plue 8" if you ever want to feel better about the chaos at your home! Love that show!
I know this is an older post, and you don't know me from adam... but I had to comment. (found your blog through another friends) My hubby is a pilot also... the only place he multi-tasks well is in the cockpit. lol He was sooo the same way when our kids were babies! lol Brings back memories! Too funny.
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